59 ratings

"A modern, combat-enhanced frame, specialized for private security… though often employed for much shadier tasks."


  • 12.2k Polys (12.7k for Quest version)
  • Good performance rating on PC and Medium on Quest
  • 4K source textures
  • Avatar Dynamics and Physbones
    • Physbones and Dynamics included in Quest version!
  • Custom sitting and lying animations
  • Hoverboard mode with a full set of custom movement animations!
  • Individually toggleable accessories: Jacket, Scarf, Katanas, and Belt
  • Grabbable Katanas
  • Gesture-controlled facial expressions
  • In-game glow color adjustment controls
  • Built-in Audiolink effects
  • 1-1 compatibility with the quest version where possible, all clothes and toggles included


  • Blender Project Files
  • Fully Configured Unity Package
  • Photoshop and PNG Texture Files
  • Alternate Blender and Unity Package Optimized for Quest

Buy with confidence, try the avatar first in my VRChat avatar world.


  • Current Version of Unity 2019 for VRChat (2022.3.22f1 or newer) for Windows
  • Latest VRChat Avatar SDK 3 (VCC Avatars SDK 3.6.0 or newer)


  • Blender 3.6 LTS or newer (only required to customize models)
  • Photoshop CS6 or newer, or other image editor that supports PSD files (only required to customize textures)

Patch Notes

First release - 1/28/2022

  • Initial release.

Patch 1 - 2/1/2022

  • Bugfixes

Patch 2 - 4/20/2022

  • Updated for Avatar Dynamics

Patch 2.1 - 4/24/2022

  • Fix katanas state sometimes not syncing for other players
  • Fix scarf not resetting to resting position when turned off

Patch 3 - 5/27/2022

  • - Adjust animation layers so that Skin animation can be run without a mask to avoid Unity bug preventing all slots from being animated.
    • Skate logic copied to Gesture+FX layer.
    • Skin layer mask removed.
    • You can now swap both the Glass and FX material slots in the skin animations if you want to!
  • Updated FBX in unitypackage to match blender file (whoops)
    • This fixes face uvs being mirrored (allows for different colored eyes, etc.)
  • Remove leftover unused files.
  • Combined Quest and PC unitypackages to make them easier to update and reduce duplication.

Patch 4 - 7/10/2022

  • Add "Attack Mode" toggle.
  • Clean up face expression logic.
  • Change clothes from using SCSS Inventory System to simple blendhshapes.

Patch 4.1 - 7/11/2022

  • Add "Attack Mode" and "Sleep" face panels to Quest version.
  • Fix katanas not working on Quest.

Patch 5 - 8/1/2022

  • Fix knuckles clipping during fist animation.
  • Adjust sword SFX audio settings.
  • Add extra contacts to hands to make grabbing swords easier.

Patch 5.1 - 11/14/2022

  • Fix AFK + Attack Mode causing flickering on Quest versions.

Patch 6 - 1/15/2022

  • Update to VCC.
  • Update to blender 3.3 LTS.
  • Added katana intermediate pull state.
  • Fix messed-up uvs for Quest katana textures.
  • Remove unnecessary GrabSphere contacts.
  • Re-organized some folders.

Patch 7 - 3/2/2023

  • Optimize texture import settings for VRAM usage.

Patch 7.1 - 4/12/2023

  • Update license.

Patch 8 - 5/22/2023

  • Fix sword sounds broken due to erroneous motion time fields.
  • Adjust sword sound logic to trigger more quickly.
  • Trim lead-in on sword clash SFX to reduce delay.

Patch 9 - 5/22/2023

  • Update to Avatars SDK 3.2.0
  • Remove duplicated textures for quest version (replaced with platform overrides).
    • PC and Quest version now share the same texture files as before patch 7.
    • Quest textures are using ASTC compression as is now standard for Quest in SDK 3.2.0+.

Patch 9.2 - 2/11/2024

  • Fix right-hand katana making clash sound when should be swipe (incorrect path in animation clip).
  • Update included poiyomi to more-recent combo package for QOL improvements (avatar still uses 7.3.050).
  • Mark all audio clips as "Load In Background" as is required by newer SDK versions (minimum SDK version has not changed).

Patch 10 - 06/01/2024

  • Update to Unity 2022.3.22f1 ⚠️
  • Update to SDK 3.6.0
  • Update Poiyomi materials to 8.1.167
  • Replace SCSS 1.10 materials with Orels 6.3.0
  • Change katana sfx over to new vrc_AnimatorPlayAudio behavior with randomzied pitch and new clips.
  • Split humanoid animations from the FX animator into the Gesture animator.
    • Removed all unnecessary masks from the FX layer.
  • Add FacialExpressionsDisabled param to face logic.
  • Fix ear.r.000 sharing vertex weights with ear.l.000.
  • Make scarf grabbable by others.
  • Make katanas bonkable against each other.
  • Add Parry_Detect contact tag to sword blades for interactivity with popular prefabs.
  • Reorganize files.

Patch 10.1 - 06/02/2024

  • Fix missing emissions on PC materials (whoops!).

Patch 10.2 - 06/13/2024

  • Fix materials appearing too shiny in fallback mode.
  • Fix transition order in Face layer to fix FacialExpressionsDisabled param not actually preventing emote states from being entered.


The assets are provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind. In no event shall the author be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, arising from, out of or in connection with these assets.


  • ✓ You may edit and customize for your own personal use.
  • ✓ You may edit and upload for private use onto VRChat, Chillout, Resonite, and other social and game platforms.
  • ✓ You may edit and upload as public/cloneable onto VRChat and other social and game platforms, however:
    1. You must include a link back to my store page that is clearly listed somewhere.
    2. The platform in question must have a reasonable level of security to not leak source assets.
  • ✓ You may edit and re-purpose for use as a VTuber or other virtual avatar, as long as credit clearly listed somewhere.
  • ✓ You may purchase and edit this model as part of commission work, as long as at least one copy is purchased per user involved.


  • ✗ You may NOT use to promote any form of hate speech, through your own actions or through modifications to the avatar.
  • ✗ You may NOT resell or redistribute the model or parts, even in heavily modified form.
  • ✗ You may NOT claim the model as your own work
  • ✗ You may NOT use the model or assets for any commercial purposes.

Looking forward to seeing what y'all do with it!

Feel free to share your creations with me on twitter @lackofbindings

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Avatar with all Unity, Blender, & Photoshop files for PC and Quest

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